Manage kid’s screen time

As a parent, it’s important to be aware of the amount of screen time your child is getting. Too much time spent in front of a screen can lead to problems with vision, sleep, and social skills. But there are ways to manage your child’s screen time so that everyone can stay healthy and happy. Here are some tips on how to manage kids screen time.

Establish rules and expectations for screen time usage with your kids from the get-go

Establishing rules and expectations for screen time usage with your kids from an early age is important in ensuring they are using their devices responsibly. It allows you to mould the technology-based habits that they develop as they grow, equipping them with the tools necessary for making healthy device choices as adults. To get started, try having specific rules concerning access, usage of types of content and duration. For example, a rule can be that screens can only be accessed at certain times or after certain tasks have been completed. Additionally, decide what sort of content is appropriate for your children – e.g. media genres and apps – with clear boundaries on which apps are allowed and which are off-limits. Finally, manage the length of time their screens can be used by ensuring bedroom TVs should be turned off around an hour before bedtime and setting limits on screen time daily or weekly. Doing so will help foster healthy relationships between your children and screens now and into adulthood.

Keep screens out of bedrooms to avoid the temptation

Many of us now spend a significant amount of time in front of screens throughout the day, from TVs, computers, and mobile phones. Unfortunately, it can be all too easy to get sucked into a technological vortex that continues well into the night. To avoid this temptation, one of the simplest solutions is to keep any screens out of bedrooms. This will mean that bedtime activities, such as reading a book or talking become much more likely. Furthermore, these activities are proven to reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality. With our increasingly busy lives, having access to higher-quality sleep should not be overlooked!

Set a good example by managing your own screen time

As our lives become increasingly connected to digital devices, it’s important to set a good example when managing our own screen time. It starts by being aware of how much you are using a device and considering what activities can be done without one. That could mean limiting the amount of time we spend checking notifications, browsing the web, or streaming shows. Setting boundaries is especially important for everyone in the family to abide by – including yourself! When you get into the habit of taking breaks and being mindful of your usage, it can help others practise more effective ways to manage their own screen time. The goal should be balanced – setting aside moments during the day for digital devices and preserving time for other physical, creative, or social activities as well.

Get the whole family involved in activities that don’t involve screens

Finding ways to involve the whole family in activities that don’t involve screens can be a challenge, but it is worth putting in the effort. Activities such as board games and playing cards are a great way to bring the family together, while also providing an opportunity for fun and learning. Going for nature walks, or simply just relaxing in a park can be enriching for everyone involved. Doing simple craft projects with arts and crafts supplies can also help keep everyone engaged. Ultimately, putting aside screen time and focusing on finding fun activities that involve the whole family can lead to fantastically rewarding memories.

Use parental controls and monitoring tools to help you manage screen time usage

Screen time management can be a huge challenge for parents these days. With so many entertainment options readily available, it can be hard to monitor children’s usage. Fortunately, several parental control and monitoring tools on the market can help you curate exactly what your kids watch and how much time they spend in front of a screen. With apps like Net Nanny and FamilyTime, you can turn off entire platforms or set time limits on specific apps or devices to help your family strike the right balance between virtual enjoyment and real-world engagement. Parental control tools are an invaluable resource for modern parents who want to be proactive when it comes to children’s screen habits.

Be flexible – sometimes kids need more or less screen time depending on the situation

Flexibility is key when it comes to managing our children’s screen time. Factors such as illness or a change of schedule can disrupt normal routines, thus making it necessary for us to adjust the amount of time our kids spend on screens. The good news is that a little wiggle room and some creative parenting can help us stay in control of how much time is spent online without stressing over any deviation from the plan. A balanced approach will ensure our children can still enjoy the educational benefits of using digital devices while also engaging in imaginative play and other activities that encourage healthy growth and development.


Screen time can be a slippery slope, so it’s important to establish rules and expectations early on. Keep screens out of bedrooms and set a good example by managing your own screen time. Get the whole family involved in activities that don’t involve screens. Use parental controls and monitoring tools to help you manage screen time usage. Be flexible – sometimes kids need more or less screen time depending on the situation.